Ginger Scharkopf
Ginger holds a degree in Psychology she obtained at SUNY, and since 2007 has been providing case management and clinical support within the treatment industry.
She is passionate about her work within this industry, helping clients bridge the gap between treatment and returning their life, particularly in helping clients create their own blueprint of recovery for discharge.
Her role as a case manager allows her to collaborate with clients, alumni parents, families, and treatment service providers, linking each together, to ensure the continuity of care, and to advocate for client’s care and rights.
Because of Voyage’s focus on the entire family being part of the journey of recovery, Ginger helps our clients and their loved ones prepare for their discharge from treatment by reviewing and implementing discharge plans, and providing helpful training and resources.
She is passionate about her children, deep sea fishing, snorkeling, water sports, and the outdoors in general.